Landscaping, Backfill and Irrigation System


The Everton Homes warranty does not cover landscaping. It is your responsibility to carefully maintain the yard. Consult your CCR’s for specific community landscaping requirements.


The area excavated for your home’s foundation was larger than the home to allow room to work. Some trenching was also necessary for installation of utility lines. Settling may occur, especially after prolonged or heavy precipitation, and can continue for several years. Inspect the perimeter of your home regularly for signs of settling and fill settled areas as needed to maintain positive drainage.

Make sure all downspouts are connected to the drainage system. Routine inspection of backfill areas, downspouts and other drainage components is a part of proper maintenance.

See also Grading and Drainage.

Bark or Rock Beds

Do not allow edgings around decorative rock or bark beds to dam the free flow of water away from the home. You can use a non-woven landscape fabric between the soil and rock or bark to restrict weed growth while still permitting normal evaporation of ground moisture.


You are responsible for changes to the drainage pattern made by any landscape: concrete, deck, or other contractor. Discuss drainage with any company you hire to do an installation in your yard. Do not permit them to tie into existing drainage pipes without approval from the City.

Irrigation System

Your home has been planted with a variety of different plants. Some of the planting may require more or less watering than others.  You will need to water your plants, especially during the critical first two years after planting when they have yet to completely establish their root systems.  Alternatively contact a landscape professional to make provision for an efficient automatic watering system using the irrigation timer installed on your home. Conduct weekly operational checks to ensure proper performance of the system. Ensure sprinkler heads are operational and directed away from your home.

Winterize your system before the first freeze. Have the lines professionally drained. This will protect your system from damage caused by freezing.

Plant section

Plant selection should be made based on your local climate. Favor native over exotic species. Consider the size, shape, and sun exposure of the species.


Erosion caused by landscaping or drainage changes is your responsibility.

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